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Thank you very much for your feedback - thanks to Google translator I also understood![]()
We will see what will happen - I don't think that finishing the restaurant woll be a problem, as it was already very advanced during my last visit on 19.04.. Ok - if the buffet and furniture is not delivered on time, it will be a problemBut finally I don't think so. Of course the outside area is a problem - what about the weather at the moment? If the weather is good and dry, they will be able to finish.
Zwischen flach abfallend und steil, leicht kieselig (Kiesel = Stein) und steinig steckt ja jede Menge Definitionsmöglichkeit.
Are you in Turkey now for the opening of the Sherwood Dreams. Do you know where it is upto as far as opening? They emailed me the other day saying it would be the 8th May.
Schon wieder ein kleines Travelamigos - Event. So gab es das auch noch nicht.![]()
Are you in Turkey now for the opening of the Sherwood Dreams. Do you know where it is upto as far as opening? They emailed me the other day saying it would be the 8th May.
I'll be one day after the opening in Sherwood Dreams, from 09th till at least 17th of May for job reasons. Until now, I don't have any information about further delay of the opening - so I hope the best for all of us.![]()