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  • Fixing Side Seam Twists: Easy Ways to Straighten Your Tees

    A movie plot twist is great, but do you know what twist isn’t? A side seam twist! Nothing ruins your favorite tee like having the side seams all twisted. It can make even the most relaxed screen print design look wonky. Luckily, straightening out a twisted tee is usually an easy fix. With simple tricks from Lion King Shirt, you can get your favorite shirts looking fresh and wrinkle-free in no time.

    Inspect the Damage

    First things first, check to see where and how your tee is twisted. Are both side seams skewed, or just one? Does the twisting run the entire length of the shirt or only a portion? Visually inspecting the warp and twist will help you determine the best way to remedy it.

    Gently stretch the tee widthwise to see how set the twist is. Slight twists may relax on their own when you gently pull. Don’t forcefully yank, though, or the shirt will stretch permanently out of shape.

    Wash on Gentle Cycle

    Still, there are twists you can’t fix only by hand. You must work and start washing the garment for tees with noticeable seam twisting. Choose a gentle cycle with cool or warm water to lightly relax the cotton fibers. Make sure to clean the tee alone or with other garments of similar weight so it has plenty of room to move freely in the drum.

    An extra rinse cycle can also help remove any residual tension. Avoid overloading the drum, which can cause further wrinkling. The motion of the wash should help naturally straighten any minor side seam twists.

    Wash your tee gently to combat those seam twists

    Air Dry is the Key

    When the washing machine is done, don’t just throw the shirt in the dryer like the next guy! The heat from tumble drying can set in any twisting. For best results, lay the garment flat or hang to air dry.

    As the tee dries, gently smooth and straighten the fabric, paying particular attention to the seams. The weight of the water will help relax the cotton into its intended shape as it dries.

    Iron Out Severe Twists

    For shirts with severe seam twisting that doesn’t relax after washing, try gently ironing or steaming the area. Lay the tee flat and lay an iron on the lowest heat over the twisted portion. Press lightly, taking care not to scorch the fabric. Access the Lion King T Shirt to discover more tips and designs.

    The heat will help straighten embedded twists. Be patient and keep the iron moving slowly along the seam, applying only light pressure. Prolonged direct heat can damage delicate tees.

    You can also use a handheld garment steamer to relax twisted areas. Hold the steamer head about an inch over the seam and pass it slowly across the length of the shirt. The penetrative steam should help straighten the cotton fibers.

    Get this tee or similar design while representing your values in high-quality Lion King Tee Shirt apparel made to spread compassion far and wide!

    Roll Up and Leave Overnight

    Try rolling up the shirt for the stubborn twists that don’t respond to washing, drying flat, or steaming. Lay the tee flat and gently roll it lengthwise with the twisted portion on the outside of the roll. Start from the bottom hem and roll upward.

    Leave the shirt rolled overnight, encouraging the cotton fibers to reshape in the rolled position. Slowly unroll the next day while gently smoothing the fabric. Luckily, the twist will have relaxed after being set in a straight orientation overnight.

    Roll up your shirt nicely like a sushi

    If All Else Fails, Then Wash Inside Out

    If no amount of washing, drying, steaming, or rolling fixes a pesky seam twist, there’s one last remedy. Turn the tee inside out and rewash it on a gentle cycle. With the seams exposed, the drum's motion can better target any remaining twists.

    Wash solo, air dry, and inspect. Hopefully, the shirt will emerge twist-free. This inside-out wash is your best bet for coaxing the cotton threads to realign appropriately.

    Know When to Let Go

    In rare instances, a tee may have a manufacturing defect that makes the twisting irreparable. If you’ve tried all troubleshooting tips to no avail, the twist may simply be permanently set into the shirt. Check out LionKingShirt - Your Tee Destination for Variety for more options and variety.

    Though it's hard to retire a favorite tee, sometimes it’s best to replace it in this case. No amount of washing gymnastics will correct a shoddily constructed garment. Save your energy for rocking all your perfectly straightened tees instead!

    You can stop annoying shirt twists in their tracks with a few simple laundry maneuvers and seam-smoothing motions. Follow these tips to keep your graphic tee collection looking perfect!

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